Sunday, April 27, 2014

i'll never know unless i try

Some things are simply impossible to do. For example, I won’t be able to draw or sing to save my life. It’s just how I work and I cannot do anything about it.

But there are things that can, and should be done, but they’re just so hard you want to give up before you even start.

For me one of those things is saying ‘you’ (he, she, it—whatever) instead of ‘I’. For example, the other day one of my groupmates brought a book with her to read during breaks. Being the curious cat I am, I, of course, had to ask her what book it was because I couldn’t see the cover.
After she showed it to me I immediately replied, ‘Oh, I have a copy of this one, too!’
And that was the end of the conversation. Why couldn’t I just say something like ‘Oh, it’s a really good book, how do you like it?’ No, I had to show that I’m somewhat better, that I got this book before she did. What for? The only answer I can come up with is to show off. Well done.

Even this post, I could start it with something like 'humans can't fly', but the first thing I thought of was reeeeeeally egocentric. I guess that's just how I work—I need to do something about it, though.

In other news, went to watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and I loved it A LOT! The ending was pretty sad though - I just didn't see it coming because I've never read the comic. So when I got out of the movie theater I put my iPod library on shuffle (that's over 1.7k songs total) in hope it plays me something positive and uptempo and fun, you know? And then All Time Low's Remembering Sunday starts. I was not expecting that! The song is one of my all time favorites, yes, but it's also so extremely sad and heartbreaking and actually fits the ending of the movie so well..

Okay, that was random.

Anyways, here's an amazing song by an amazing singer whom I found this month, she's incredible and I'm kind of obsessed. Yup.